A programming language that always makes things easy

Developed by Namish Kumar


Open source and easy to understand

As compared to other programming languages, NKPL is open-source and has simpler syntax, which means developers can easily understand the code without any trouble.


Runs on both web and your system

One of the great advantages is that NKPL has the capability to run on both web and your system. When you type NKPL code in web, your code is sent to the server and the server compiles your code and returns the output.


Fast and effective

Although NKPL is an interpreted language, it is quite fast and effective. It is an Object oriented programming language and is quite useful.

Full Form

NKPL stands for Namish Kumar Programming language. Its work first started in July 2022.


Given below is a sample NKPL code. Click on the Run button to run the code and see the output.

1. write "Hello World";


Try Yourself!

If you don't trust the above one, then you can write your own NKPL code and see it's result below.



NKPL is quite fast and efficient. It is developed with the help of two things:-

I would like to thank these two programming languages to help me create a programming languages that is going to help millions of people and developers.

What's new in NKPL 2.0 onwards?

NKPL 2.0 introduces many new builtin functions and keywords, which makes stuff a lot easier than it was before. Many functions like find, getDate, etc have been introduced in NKPL 2.0.

What to do now?

Implement it in the right way

No matter whatever application you create, be it a console application or a server-side app, you have to implement it in the right way. For example how I used JS to create NKPL. So, Start by creating small applications with NKPL.