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In this page, We'll use the find keyword to perform certain types of mathematical operations.

The find or Find keyword

Many mathematical operations can be performed with find or the Find keyword. Given below is one example that will add 200,000 and 600,000 and output the result.

1. find "200000 + 600000";

An not only just adddition or subtraction, But Every thing like modulus, addition, subtraction, division, raising a number to a power, etc can also be done. Given below is the table of reference to all these operations.


Just like we used the plus '+' sign to perform addition, we use '-' sign to perform subtraction. Below is an example of NKPL performing 25000 - 3000

1. find "25000 - 3000";


'*' sign is used to perform multiplication.

1. find "250 * 300";


'/' sign is used to perform multiplication.

1. find "200000/15550";


'**' sign is used to perform multiplication. Suppose you want to raise 1 to 100 power, you would write 1 ** 100. See the below example for more clarity

1. find "1**100";


'%' sign is used to perform modulus. Modulus returns the remainder of the division. If the number is completely divisible, then modulus returns 0

1. find "100%2";